Sunday, September 25, 2005

the LOVE tub

So my family is renovating this old house so we can live in it... we are moving in about a year or so. I really don't want to move out of my house, because I have lived there for all 17 years of my life and leaving it would be hard. Alan and I decided to handcuff ourselves to the front door and refuse to let anyone look at it. Our house is worth so much and it would hurt me so bad to see someone tear it apart or let it just rot away. No one deserves our house, dammit. I just hope my parents make sure that the right people get it.
I have always wanted an EXTRA long and deep tub, so my parents went out to the middle of nowhere and found this thing... shag carpet stuck to the inside and red paint on the outside. It's so hilarious, but I guess I didn't say anything about color and texture. Haha... but don't worry, all that will be gone by the time my dad's through with it.
I can't wait until Fall break... 19 days.

It's things like that which make you miss home more than anything. I miss my brother so much.