Friday, August 18, 2006

have you ever...

So it's been forever since I've written, making it pretty easy to fill in the facts of the last month or so.

First off, I am going back to Sewanee. When I checked my grades online, they fell slightly short in Religion (go figure) of my parents' standards. At first, they kept their word and were going to make me stay home AT LEAST a semester and commute to a nearby college (UNCG), get a decent job, and pretty much get my shit together.
Let's just say I was beyond devastated. I couldn't help but burst into tears every time I thought of each one of my friends realizing that I wasn't going to be there. I thought about how my coach was losing not only a swimmer, but a friend. I thought about my roommate, her ridiculous shyness, and how I couldn't drag her out of the room when she studied for over 6 hours straight. I felt like the woman in the movie, "Something's Gotta Give," when she keeps crying in a scene for like 124385984754 times straight. Things were completely miserable.
But my parents caved. Well, mostly my mom. They couldn't stand seeing me so torn up over it, realized that I, in retrospect, was making progress, and maybe even found the right major this time. It was completely out of their character and I seriously didn't think they were going to budge in this matter.
I am extremely, truly grateful for their decision.

Another update... we're moving... down the street. So, when I say ridiculous amount, it's not an exaggeration. Unlike most college kids, I have to move/pack my college stuff, along with the rest of my HOUSE. I feel like my parents are pushing so hard to get this done before I leave, just to make things suck more for me. Well, maybe not. But it still sucks for me, nonetheless.

I think that wraps everything up for now.

I can't wait to get to the Mountain!

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Meag said...
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