Saturday, August 14, 2010

new new new

Sorry for not posting lately... ahh, life has been beyond busy.

I think the hardest part is figuring out where to start. Pulling from the first thing on my mind, is my living situation. I moved in with a new person a little over a month ago and have gotten along fairly well with him, but have realized that our lifestyles, as well as how we prioritize things, are completely different. I am 7 years younger than he is, and consider myself much more responsible. We recently had our AC unit clog and the upper level ceiling began to leak. I left for a week-long vacation soon after and assumed it would be taken care of by the time I got back. Hardly. I had to harass him every day about getting someone to take a look at it. Meanwhile, he continued to act like the fact that there was a hole in the ceiling and that our carpet was soaked was not a big issue. Come the day that he makes an appointment, it falls at 8 am on a Saturday, in which he is not even there. I suppose you can guess who had to wake up and answer the door, as well as pay the maintenance man. Along with just that instance, he goes out to bars almost every night of the week and comes back drunk late at night - and makes sure I know it. While I have tried to deal with this and tell myself that I can tolerate living with someone like him, I have given up on trying. I have already contacted a few people about a new place to live. Sighhh, moving again...

I looked over my recent posts and smiled about the one concerning my job. Mostly because I miss it in some instances. I started a new job this past Monday that pays twice the amount I used to make, requires a quarter of my old commute, and is a full-time position. Although it is always exciting to encounter new challenges, I get this feeling that I am not well-liked there. Unfortunately, the department where I work in the office is completely run by power-hungry and judgmental women. Every one there seems like they are playing out a nicer role than they really are, but even then you can feel the hostility seeping through their skin. I feel like I stick out due to being a genuine person (sad? very). I already hate the fact that money has already begun to rule my life.

Many people are already telling me that I am ungrateful for complaining about my new job due to all of the positives of it, but at least at my old job, you KNEW you were around real people, even if they were considered flawed. On a good note, I did get to go to Hawaii for a week to see my dad and unwind between jobs. It was amazing to be there and have no real agenda. I wish it wasn't so touristy, but this is Hawaii we're talking about. At least I got to achieve my dream of drinking in an infinity pool by the ocean with a connecting bar... heaven!

Oh, and before I forget (but oh, how could I??), my boy and I are still doing very well. It has been almost 6 months since the evening that we met, and things are as awesome as ever. While it is nowhere near perfect, I really don't have any complaints. There have been times where either one (or both) of our lives were stressful and made it more difficult to see one another, but we have always seemed to manage. When either one of us have an issue, we choose to address it immediately and maturely, and it has worked in our favor. I can honestly say that, for once, I am dating a true MAN, and what a difference it makes.

Enough of the update... it's so long, I don't blame you for not reading it.

Also, might be getting my wisdom teeth out soon?? Eeeeeeeeeep.

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