Tuesday, October 24, 2006

like walking in a sleepless dream...

My feet float just above the ground.

I found the perfect person.
And I know that you have seen this more than once on here, but I believe this is no false alarm. This guy has everything I have ever wanted in a guy. He's intelligent, extremely verbally interactive, attractive, witty, playful (but serious when needed), and I can't help but smile around him. No matter how upset, sad, mad, or anything other than happy I am around him, he gets me smiling with one glance. He knows exactly what to say or do to make me laugh. And the best part is that he doesn't even have to try, he is just himself and that makes me the happiest I have ever been.
I can't get over how everything fell into place perfectly. Everything about him and this situation just revolves around that one word... perfect. It went from a casual evening hanging out to being entangled in his arms/kiss. It wasn't expected, but I definitely was not complaining at all by the night's end. Even the moment of truth (next morning) was just as perfect as the night before. He assured me with a good morning kiss and smile. It was like living a dream. It still is.
Yeah... so. I have a boyfriend. And he's wonderful. That pretty much sums it up.

Sooooooo Fall Party Weekend is this weekend. That should be fun, especially with my special visitor. :] There will be lots and lots of things to do.
Other than the Alumni Swim Meet and Football Game, which will take up more time than I need, it will be quite an eventful weekend.

I also got my grades in for midterms, and they weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Of course, that doesn't actually mean they were fantastic, but they're manageable at this point. At least I know I can work with them.

Things are looking pretty good right now, so hopefully consistency will kick in for me, because I could definitely get used to this.