Sunday, February 28, 2010

sweet disposition

So, I have decided to raise my hands up and ask the rain to stop. I found that although you can wait out the downpour, sometimes if you just take matters into your own hands, the sun will come out to shine for you.
I have also figured out that fate is a very strong force. While my Valentine's Day consisted of having a nice dinner with my mother, it seems that something even more wonderful happened unbeknowst to me. My roommates, who date, were out at a local wine bar for their special night, and befriended their waiter in the process. Upon meeting him, they immediately mentioned me because they felt like we would get along well. When I returned to my apartment the next day, I was shocked to hear that they talked me up so much to this complete stranger, as well as told him that I would come out that Friday night with them to meet him at his work. While I am a person who is completely skeptical about set-ups (even if it IS my roommates), when Friday night rolled around, I found myself going to the bar anyway. I kept my guard up and had no expectations for the night. 
It was incredibly awkward at first, because I could tell he seemed uncomfortable being put on display for me. We exchanged a few words as he passed by during dinner, but didn't communicate much otherwise - but my roommates were determined to make a connection. My roommate talked him into coming out with us to another bar after his shift ended, and he agreed. Him and one of his friends followed us to another bar, and that's where the opportunity arose to have a real conversation. Before I knew it, we were both leaning over the bar table toward each other, talking over the loud music and almost ignoring the rest of our company. We had so much in common and enjoyed so many of the same things. He was incredibly intellectual, compelling, and oh, GORGEOUS. I felt myself becoming more and more nervous every time his powerful blue eyes looked in my direction. 
On our way out of the bar, he asked me for my number and if I would like to go rock climbing with him sometime. I, of course, agreed to both, not just before my roommate once again grasped the situation by the horns and invited him to our apartment. We exchanged glances and he smiled, and agreed once again. The night went by so quickly - filled with glasses of wine, casual conversation, and a game of truth or dare. While I admit I HATE this game, all four of us started to become more and more daring with our questions and propositions. Things became even more interesting when my roommate made this hellacious concoction for her boyfriend to drink as a dare (chili paste, peanut butter, banana, rum, vinegar). Our waiter friend stepped in before she handed the drink to her boyfriend and proposed that if he chugged half of this god-awful liquid, he could get a kiss from me. I was incredibly taken aback by how forward he was about it, but agreed to his proposition. After he choked down that horrible drink, he rinsed and wiped his mouth and looked at me for confirmation. The moment was just like a movie scene: he and I came toward each other to the middle of the living room, and he pulled my face forward with his hand on my chin, and kissed me like he wasn't going to live another day. At this moment, every one in the room disappeared. It was like time had stopped just for a second to let this event linger. It was magical.
As the night winded down, after more in-depth conversation and many wonderful kisses, it was apparent that he had drank too much to drive home. I offered either the couch or my bed, and he immediately chose to sleep in the bed with me. More kisses ensued and we fell asleep cuddling one another. I awoke to wondering if I had just had a crazy Disney dream of some sort, only to roll over to those deep blue eyes. We laid in bed, cuddling, and talking for hours before parting ways. He kissed me passionately good-bye, left, came back for his keys, and kissed me again, claiming that he may have forgotten them on purpose just to have more of me. He promised he would see me again. 
The next day, I received a message online from him asking how the rest of my day went, as well as expressing the desire to see me again. Since then, we have seen each other three times in the last week, and it has been absolutely amazing. We have the exact same humor, he has already introduced me to his friends, and grasps at any opportunity to see me (as well as kiss me). He is everything I have been looking for, and I feel like I am in a dream. I still get nervous when I know he is coming to see me, which is completely out of my character. We are taking things slow and he says I am well worth the wait. While this has seemed to happen so fast, it feels like I have already known him for a long time. I cannot wait to see him again, even after being with him last night and basically all day today. 
As for the other options, fate has started to do its job with them, as well. Wendy's decided someone else who was more email-saavy was better for him than I was, and took back all of the 'feelings' that he had before for me. McDonald's has yet to make a move, and I have started to see him more and more as a friend. There is a growing distance between us, mostly initiated by me. Bojangle's is still an amazing person, but also lives almost 80 miles away, and I realized that I cannot do another long distance relationship. He took it well, and we still keep in touch. Sometimes when you find something you really want, every thing else becomes extremely clear as to why they won't work. 

This is unlike anything I have been around before, and the feeling is so different. I have never been more content. So, as for now, I am still trying not to get ahead of myself as to what I have going for me, but I have a really, REALLY good feeling about this. 




He's married.

M said...

Kissed me like he wouldnt live another day <3 beautiful

raelcreve said...

I can't believe I sat here and read that long post.. well, anyways good luck to you finding 'the one'..

The Ampelophilosofer! said...


Mr M B said...

u write a lot... and funny... its interesting read... should you enable fallowing? I dont know... but i did look for that button....

Camille said...

Very interesting, just like in movie how romantic. It made me have goose bumps.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a romance novel. Very nice ☺ Hope all goes well with you two

Madame Allure said...

It's weird cause I don't even know you, but I found myself very interested in your blogs, especially this one. I don't know, I think it's because your real. Well, anyway good luck<3

Anonymous said...
