Thursday, February 11, 2010

when it rains, it pours

First of all, I would like to say I appreciate all of the feedback from my last blog. I seriously have not gotten on here until today, and was very surprised to see the comments. It's good to know that every one shares some experiences with one another.

To update about the guy that I was recently seeing, we are no longer. I got tired of waiting, and maybe to some of you did not have enough guts to take a leap, but I did something incredibly stupid to get the point across that I could not wait any more. While I do consider myself a person who makes good decisions most of the time and thinks rationally, we all have our moments where we look back and say, "Why on EARTH did I do that??". I do realize now that him and I were like looking at a bad image in the mirror, but it does not change the fact that I feel horrible about it still. As much as I conveyed it to him, I do believe that he will never forgive me for it. Part of it is acceptable, but part of it is lack of maturity on his part. I do not like to talk bad about others, but it is just a mere observation that I have made within the last few months.
As to pertaining to the subject of this post, I have noticed that there is a trend with things coming in clumps. I consider myself single, and after two months of basically being on my own and focusing on myself and my job, I have been swarmed with many dating options within the last 3 weeks. While I do not say that I am complaining about the amount of interest (it's flattering!), I just wish that one person would come along at a time instead of all at once and make things incredibly confusing. I hate making decisions... I can barely decide where to go eat for lunch on most days. 
So, should I do Wendy's, McDonald's, or Bojangle's (yes, I eat fast food... I am no Bill Gates)? 
Wendy's is currently overseas on his way from Haiti to the Middle East. I was in a relationship with him approximately 4 years ago, and it ended due to him cheating on me. While I am not known for second chances, it has been a long time and I have felt like he has matured since joining his services. Over the span of those years, he has never lost his feelings for me and even drove for 10 hours last year just to see me during one of my breaks over college. The worst part was that I decided that I still had no feelings for him at that point, told him, and left him with another 10 hour drive back to think about it. Even after that, he was there for me for every phone call that I had about any troubles I had in my life. He was very blunt about how he felt with each situation and gave his complete honesty. He ended up seeing me that last two weekends he had before he shipped out, and I noticed that my feelings had changed. I do have 7 months to wait for him to return, but we keep in touch every day via email. I also promised him that I would give things another chance when he came back, but now I wonder where I will be when he gets off of that boat. Like Wendy's burgers, he has substance, satisfaction, but sometimes it's a lot to sink your teeth into. 
McDonald's is someone that I have been familiar with for a little a while. He is a mutual friend who lives in the area and someone that I see quite often. We keep in touch almost on  a daily basis, and have so much in common. He works in radio, has been completely comfortable with bringing me around his co-workers, and has even brought me into the studio late at night to let me watch him do voice tracks. He is sometimes hard to read, but extremely convenient. He has made it clear that there is interest there, but he is aware of the Wendy's situation, which has held him back from being forward at all. I enjoy spending time with him, but once again, it is something that I will not wait around on for too long. McDonald's is convenient, easy, but sometimes you are just not in the mood for it. 
As for Bojangle's, I have recently ran into him after 5 years. He was someone that I knew from high school and was incredibly out of my league then. He was the badass guy whose presence was felt when he walked into the room, yet was nice enough to talk to me on occasion. By the most random chance, I saw him while driving on the highway one day and made it a point to wave hysterically to him across lanes. We immediately got into touch and he insisted that we hang out with each other. He also admitted that he liked me back in high school, but, outside of his badass front, was too scared to ever say anything. He is secretly a romantic at heart, and is already set on making the night that we see each other perfect. He has asked about everything that I like/don't like and has made it a point to know everything about me even before we have seen each other. The 'date' is set two weekends from now and as much as I should have my guard up, I am anticipating it like crazy. I eat that romantic stuff up. Bojangle's is something that I recently starting eating again, and have found a great liking for it. If nothing else looks good, Bojangle's is my go-to place. 
Of course, with this whole 'Dear John' movie coming out, I expect people to want me to live unrealistically and hold it out for the guy on the boat, but keep in mind that I am still young and somewhat impulsive. 7 months is a long time and it's hard to keep promises at that point. I do not like breaking hearts, but I am a believer of things happening for a reason, and if something works out in a different direction, maybe it is supposed to happen.
As of now, I am still in limbo and kind of floating in the purgatory of relationships, but it is maybe best for now. But as I said, when it rains, it pours - and this also forces me to eventually make a decision. 
Man, do I hate decisions... 


Anonymous said...

Dating, it's either feast or famine. My daughters are both going through the same thing.

Chocolate Brownie

The Ampelophilosofer! said...

Bojangle's sounds nice, and Wendy's already cheated on u!! i get that he might have changed but it could happen again!! You never really know!! and if McDonald's not making a move you shouldn't wait for him either, if he doesn't go for what he wants, even if it seems cute at first it get's boring after a while.

Jessica said...

If I was in your position I would either go for Bojangle's or McDonald's, probably Bojangle's. I wouldn't even think about Wendy's if he's cheated on you once then he's probably going to cheat on u again.

Unknown said...

You deserve Longhorns or Carraba's. Hold out. There's something better than fast food and it will be worth the wait!

Julia said...

You know double wide, you are absolutely correct... and I think I might have found that. Blog coming soon!!!

Sucre said...

i'd say Bojangle's cos i think since he's made it his duty to find out about your likes and dislikes, maybe he's really into you.
but then, dnt sweat it there's still Longhorns or Carraba's and so much more too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you when you say(we all have our moments where we look back and say, "Why on EARTH did I do that??". ). But my dear dont look back becouse it from the past and it done, you can't do any thing to fix it. another thing to add is no man is perfect, you will find someone heart you , some make you crazy and some will do any thing to make you the happiest person in the life.

Accept my admiring to your great blog.

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Anonymous said...
