Monday, March 28, 2005

melancholy monday

This morning, I woke up and was "wow"ed. It has been since August that I woke up the next morning, feeling delirious from the pure happiness of much wanted affection. That feeling that maybe, just maybe, something you have isn't just infatuation to fill the void another one left. It's that feeling that makes you want to say those three words, but afraid you will open your already shredded heart to another destroyer. I believe I was thinking everything was just too perfect, and I was right. After having one of those "mother - daughter" talks, I was informed that maybe I CAN'T be with someone who makes me happy, who makes me laugh. I figure no one would even notice, but my own guilt tore me up inside, realizing that I am seen as a manipulator to the eyes of the world. Nothing can ever be perfect, nothing can ever be alright for once. I should just wait around for college and hope that there is someone who pities me enough to care.

Songs of the day are becoming the 'big thing', so I guess there is one that can explain this entry:
"All That I've Got" by the Used

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