Sunday, March 20, 2005

wicked weekend

The NFG concert ROCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEDDDD!!!! We made our way to the front during Reggie and the Full Effects (who also kicked ass, but was "so small") and stayed there the rest of the show. We slapped hands with the lead guitarist (I grabbed his ass, YES!) and scored a pick off of them. I had a little help accomplishing 2/3 of those things, but it still happened. It was so hot and tiring by the end of the show, but it was so worth it. I ended up getting home around 2 after about passing out at Austin's when I dropped him off. The one bad thing about it was that Ian Tsu's (one of the top 50 guitarists in the WORLD) autograph rubbed off my cuff from Warped Tour. I was SO PISSED!!! Looks like I am going to have to get his autograph at this year's Warped Tour (oh, darn *snaps fingers*). Yesterday was the Fish Fry for Ledford and I spent hours on end doing almost NOTHING before playing. First, I saw my cuzzie (I wuv you Sarah!) and we left right after I got there and went and got a drink. Then Drew, Will, and David and his friend showed up. I sat with Lauren and them when we watched the Winter Guard. Then we went out to the parking lot and played tennis (they hit a few cars - hahaha). My brudder (Drew) and I sat in my car and argued whether we should leave and eat or eat at the Fish Fry. We ended up staying and just piddling around and watching beasty Percussion Ensembles before we played. Right after that, I hauled ass to Anna G's for her birthday party. After encountering assholes leaning on the horn behind me (AHEM!), I showed up right when everyone was leaving. Just my luck, but I still had fun. I finally headed home, still exhausted from Friday night, and fell asleep around midnight after making a few calls. Today's schedule is looking a little less hectic. We are supposed to eat at Teresa's around 1, then I am washing cars with my brudder, then to Austin's for the rest of the afternoon. This weekend has turned out pretty nice...

and it's 60 degrees, as opposed to the 35 on Thursday. Lame ass town.

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