Monday, May 23, 2005

thank god it's monday...?

Today was the Senior Assembly and I believe I officially set the Snyder Medal as a family legacy (highest maintained GPA). That made me feel so much better, almost relieved, to get something Karl received. I guess it lessened the tension between us when it came to high school achievements, even though he's out and done with high school already. Maybe ever since I didn't make it into Governor's School, it has been my goal to be just as good as him or better. Of course, they did NOT announce valedictorian, and I was quite PISSED. I wanted to know! I want to know if I'm first, if I have to represent myself in front of everyone who attends our graduation. I also received some other awards, but it didn't really matter. All I knew was that my heart raced when the principal said, "And our valedictorian and salutatorian... cannot be announced because it's too close." Well, that's BULLSHIT. It's not close (the person who tallied up the GPAs told me - too bad that's ALL she told me)! I know I have said this a MILLION times, but I want this more than anything and all of my close friends know that this is all I have wanted for the past who knows how long. I want to be first, dammit. Screw trying to not sound selfish.
At least for the rest of the afternoon, I had something else to think about. Twas fun. I would hate to ever stay a night at Austin's, because we would just lay around and not do a damn thing - okay, just talk a WHOLE lot. I love being lazy (doesn't happen too much) and I need a lot more of it.
Oh yeah, today was the last day of school.
Summer... I surrender myself to you.

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