Sunday, January 09, 2005

ermmm til next week?

Ok, so one of my classmates is DEFINITELY applying to the same college as me... bummer. We will most likely pretend as if we don't know each other or go to the same hometown, for that matter (as we act towards each other at the present time). We have never really gotten along because he's a prep and usually a jerk to people. I am also pretty upset that I missed Sewanee's swim coach's call today when I was in Winston. I KNEW I should have stayed home! He said he would call back, predictably, he didn't. He's in Florida with the rest of those lucky ass swimmers, so he should be on the beach or something. I know I would be! None of us band nerds have figured out the results from try-outs yesterday, so everyone is freaking out and IMing each other (I'm guilty of it, too). I wish I could know already. I had a dream last night that I was last chair, bottom band. I about cried. I know this sounds arrogant, but it would be so embarassing if I made bottom band. Some kids would find that a blessing, but my reputation is held a little higher than that. Phooey... I hate this. Well, it is a Sunday, making it the last day until next weekend that internet becomes freely available to me, so - until Friday night!

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