Sunday, January 16, 2005

wasteful weekend

Yeah, so today was just ... a Sunday. I couldn't sleep last night, as usual. The day started with being forced to go through my clothes (NOOO!!) by Mom, since she can't get my room "clean enough". Then, Alan and I started playing indoor baseball, making our parent's bed 1st base, the guest bed 2nd, and the sewing table 3rd. Home was at the end of the hall, so the stretch from 3rd to home was almost impossible to make. It ended with two beds in shambles and a few spools of thread knocked over. Yey for indoor games. Then I rode around the house with Trigger (my old toy horse that's a horsehead on a stick ... you get what I'm saying) and my beanie on. I finally got out of my pjs, got clean, and put on some workout pants and a t-shirt. Many homemade brownies were polished off before I took a walk with Mom, then studied some Biology. Don't you hate it when things just randomly fall, even if nothing is happening to make them fall? Well, a little ceramic horse my friend gave me (Carmen, I'm sorry!) fell and it's ear, leg, AND tail broke. It made me sad. I am definitely using some superglue on it tomorrow. Since I am so ADHD, I spent a lot of the time trying to fit the pieces together and looking at my old pictures of Booey (I miss him so much), instead of studying. Oops. I am going to have to crack down sometime tomorrow and get some studying done. I also have swim practice, even though we don't have school. I was REALLY wanting to ride my Boo Boo, but, of course, practice is smack-dab in the middle of the afternoon, making it almost impossible not to cut riding short or be on time for practice (most likely BOTH). Phooey to that. Austin Powers was funny tonight, and then my little brother started pissing me off. He sits in front of the computer, doing absolutely nothing (no, I am serious... like HONESTLY just clicking on the desktop on random places) to piss me off and not let me on. The patience I have is AMAZING sometimes. My mom and I fell upon one of my old dresses she made (yeah, a DRESS... one time thing), and got an idea for my prom dress. I found it funny how we articulately planned it out, style and everything, just to remember that I don't even have a date. I already concluded that, if I do not have a date, I am not going to prom. There is no reason to... prom is never fun and I wouldn't miss out on anything. And who cares if it's senior year? I think I would have more fun at home with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a good movie. Mom and I should definitely forget plans for prom... pjs beat a dress and heels ANY DAY.

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