Friday, January 28, 2005

it's FRIDAY!

Yes, it is Friday! I would like to wrap up what a wonderful week it has been, but I have something that REALLY irks me.
Don't you hate it when people are attracted to someone you NEVER thought they would like or they are with someone who is definitely NOT at their level? That really bugs me. Not saying that I am at anyone's "level", but it's just odd to see a couple try to push and pull their way through when they actually have no emotional or mental attraction. When they can't carry on an intellectual conversation or be away from one another without feeling sorry for themselves - gah! That's the worst... when they feel bad because their significant other is not there. As if they can't get out of their lonely state and DO something! Get your ass up and have fun with some other people! Your "loved one" is not the ONLY one, you know. I know I sound like Foamy or something right now, but it's the truth. Don't try to hold on to something that isn't going to work and never will... trust me, I learned the hard way (sadly). I am just so pissed at that. I know I have pitied myself at times, but not to make others feel bad about what they do or why they aren't there to make things better. Grrrrr.
So, I made a 1:13 in the breast (my ultimate goal time!) this Wednesday at the conference meet and dropped 3 seconds off my 200 IM, winning both events. Ashley and I (TWO people) beat two teams. It was incredible... we are some fucking beasts. Then Centrington (hehehe) went to La Fuente's and tore the place up. It was so much fun. Then I bought a fastskin for $25 (normally $100!) that I can use at the state meet (Thanks, Matt - I owe you one!). I am more prepared for this meet more than anything. I have waited for this perfect season to roll around - 8 second drop from last year... incredible.
Moving on to the prom deal. Well, Rosco said he would go to prom with me after I mentioned I wouldn't go if I didn't have a date. We first got on the subject when we were complaining about the other half of the class ALREADY talking about it. It's months from now, people - chill out. I am still not sure if he was joking or really serious, but witnesses (*ahem* Tiff Tiff!) think he was serious. He also said I was very attractive... how nice. I went to the game against Ledford and they got raped. It was almost boring. And Tiff's just jealous that her prom date can't shoot 3's like mine! LOL! I don't know what the deal is, but I guess I will have to figure out sometime or another. Poo.
Tomorrow, I can sleep in until the afternoon and just lay around all day. Hell yes - it's great to know I will get to enjoy a free Saturday once more.

1 comment:

Julia said...

nah, it's not about them... even though it does seem to fit their situation. hmm. and yeah, i found it odd rosco wanted to go with me, but at least i know i will have fun! i love that kid.