Saturday, January 15, 2005

strenuous saturday

Blah. I spent over 4 hours cleaning my room... it sucked really, REALLY bad. I guess it can be a plus, since I will be able to walk through my room with ease. I never found that a huge problem, but obviously my mom did. Last night, Hannah and I hit up the game where we defeated North Rowan and let a guy with a dangerously big chin dunk on us. It's okay, because Ju dunked twice within the first quarter, although we (slackers, I know) didn't get there in time. Rosco also scored over 40 points that game - that's just ridiculous. Then Ashley, Hannah, and I went to Sonic then Hannah's house and watched about half of Breakfast Club. I didn't get to bed until about midnight due to a little conversation, but good news was involved. So, today pretty much consisted of me staying in my pjs all day. Yey. I can't wait until All District because we will be spending 3 nights in Boone, which rocks. I will get to skip a Friday and hang out with (usually) the same people from the year before, and so on. That is the one thing that makes me happy that I stuck with band. I am not passionate about it enough to really pursue anything in college, but I will still toot my horn here and there. I also found some of my artwork all folded up from years ago and hopefully I will be able to frame them and hang them up. There is one perspective painting I definitely want framed in plexiglass. My swimming was ridiculously slow this week and sleep is definitely the limiting factor to dropping my time. It's like everytime I try to MAKE myself sleep, I can't. I lay in bed with numerous thoughts swirling through my head, unable to sleep. I want to not think (which is impossible) for once, and just drift off. It sounds so easy, but is so difficult to do. The beginning of the week was awesome - everything was looking up. But by the end of the week, things started going downhill. I guess my life is like a drastically sloped rollercoaster - even my friend complained about it. I can't ever have an "okay" life... it's either really bad or really good. Poo.

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