Sunday, April 17, 2005

searching sunday

So, I had this huge blog (Friday) about everything that had happened this past week and how I feel akward about not talking to an old friend... but it had 'internal server errors', so the whole thing just got wiped out. And I was too lazy to even summarize it. Sorry, guys. Austin and his band played last night at his bassist's dad's party and I wasn't too comfortable because there were all these adults just staring at us. Paula (Austin's mom) and I were freaking out. I was ready to haul ass out of there, but the idiots did an encore and they went out and played 4 more songs. I thought I was going to DIE. They didn't even leave tips after the encore, either. What the hell were they thinking? Luckily, Austin and I had about an hour at his house to just chill afterwards. I was so close to falling asleep until Paula whipped out the fondu pot and made some chocolate to dip some strawberries in. I was awake after that! Those things were soooo good. I was just ready to eat the melted chocolate straight. Then, I woke up this morning and got ready to go to Austin's (again) so I can try to collect more bugs. We rode his trick bikes down to this creek and got a water beetle and another moth (the other one's head fell off when I tried to mount it - eek). Then Paula found this really cool iridescent beetle. I still need more bugs, but I am getting closer to having them all. Does ANYONE have an Audubon's Field Guide to Insects?? Or a really good site for identifying bugs?? I need one REALLY bad. I was going to go to Ledford band rehearsal, but halfway through catching bugs, I lost track of time, and Mom was freaking out because I hadn't caught any. I just want this stupid project to be done. This Friday is my LAST (*gasp*) prom and I am sure it will be fun. How could it NOT be with Thomas? At least I can think about it now, because by the end of the week, I will be so caught up in other things I won't realize it's right there.

I want you to know that
I miss you

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