Sunday, April 10, 2005

silly saturday

And I thought FRIDAY night was fun... last night was even better! Austin reminded me that they were having band practice, so I knew I had to go over there since I missed them play the day before. I watched them for about 30-45 mins, then their microphones starting dying, so they had to stop practice. It was great from there. First, we all played basketball (3 on 3), then Austin jumps on my back and knocks me down. Of course, I get up and chase his ass into the woods, ready to beat his tail. Then, Cory rides his bike into the woods, about running us over and Ben does the same. Austin finally jumps on the bike with Ben and I run the opposite direction back to his house. Then, the ramp is taken out and Ben clears it fine, but Cory busts his ass the first time over and the skateboards were then ridden out. They found the HUGE box that the new dryer came in and these large cardboard poles were in there, and it was chaotic from then on. They were beating each other with it, throwing them, and poor Andrew gets INSIDE the box, just to get beaten with the poles even more. Then, someone comes up with the bright idea to go skateboard jousting. Now THAT was hilarious! Cory busted again and Johnny got a nice bump from a head-on collision with the hard end of the pole. Then they just mutilated the poles into shreds of brown paper after spearing and throwing them at each other. As cars drove by, I hated to imagine what they were thinking. I died laughing. I wasn't sure if this was what happened after every practice, but it would be entertaining to think if that did happen. We spent about 2 hours out there just goofing. Then, everyone FINALLY went home and I had some delicious dinner made by Austin's mom. Austin, Andrew, and I finally settled down and just chilled or goofed on the computer. It was a riotous but exhausting night. Needless to say, I had a stomachache by the end of it all. Today is my recovery day before another painful week of school. Ick.

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