Friday, July 08, 2005

beautiful letdown

So Alexi left just a few minutes ago... and I am a train wreck. Every summer progressively gets better and this one most definitely was the best yet. All the times on the lake were incredible. Alexi helped me discover a part of Lexington that I never realized was soo much FUN! When summer started, I was looking forward to leaving this god forsaken town and going to college, but now, all I want is an endless summer. I guess the best part about Alexi is that her and I always laughed about the stupidest things, like that Nike commercial with the ostrich in it. Many things we laughed about never made sense, but that was the best part about it. Even though we've lost many common interests since we first met years and years ago, her and I always find something to share together. If you don't already have interests, you create some.
I am sure going to miss getting out of bed and wondering what on earth Alexi and I are going to do that day.
Have to work from 10-3 tomorrow. Ick.
If you want to do something, just gimme a ring.

Finally being attractive to guys ISN'T what it's cracked up to be. *gags*

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