Tuesday, July 12, 2005

simple words, complex thoughts

There's so many things I could talk about... but I can't find all the words to say them.

Maybe I could list off a few simple things.

I miss Alexi.
Never try wakeboarding the day before a meet.
New friends make me happy, but sad to know that I will barely know them before I have to leave.
Old friends are still awesome, too.
Did I mention that I miss Alexi?
My car died and it was totally my fault. I have to pay for it, too. Yippee.
The hard drive died 2 days ago and that was NOT my fault.
Have a swim meet today and I wakeboarded yesterday... oops? I got up 3 times!!!
Old crushes are like a nice pair of jeans. They fade with time and eventually fit more comfortably in your life.
Hehe, I love metaphors.

There's a lot more I could talk about, but there's just so much.
This blog couldn't handle it.

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