Thursday, September 02, 2004

another one in the mix

My mom brought up another college to look at... Sewanee in Tennessee. I was like "Oh no - NOT another one!" but it doesn't seem like a bad college either. It is about the size of Davidson and their swimming program is pretty good, too. I looked at their times and found that I am faster than their 4th best breaststroker right now! And I'm not even fast... that guarantees me a pretty high spot on the team because they don't to seem to have many breaststrokers anyway. One of the guys from my school and his dad are going up there this next Saturday by the transportation of my dad and my mom wanted me to go but I have to help close up the pool. I can look another weekend. Their sciences are also very strong and they look for academic consistency in athletes. I just hate having even more to decide between. ARGH. Frustration. We played so well against West Iredell today the first game - 17-25. We have NEVER EVER scored that many points on them! And I even spiked on them ONCE... they just made sure it never happened again. After my moment of glory, I jumped too early and got hit in the face by the ball. Ouch on eye and ego. I am kind of nervous about the visit tomorrow, but I feel it will be fine. I am going to Western Civ tomorrow with my pajamas on because I don't care - it's a holiday and I have to go to class at 8 in the morning. KISS IT. Tomorrow will be pretty busy on it's own even without school. I was talked into going to the game, so I will see how that goes. Thank goodness we have no homework this break because I have had too much work for the past few days. Essays, quizzes, tests. It hasn't stopped all week. I am lucky I got that essay successfully done yesterday even though I feel as if I b.s.-ed a good amount of it. One more class until the REAL holiday... OH OH and I don't have ANYTHING TO DO THIS SATURDAY! YES! I can actually sleep in... thank goodness. I am definitely spending this weekend doing what you should every weekend - NOTHING. :)

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