Friday, September 24, 2004

where do i begin?

This week has been... well, I can't really find one word to describe it. It is FINALLY Friday, but I can't enjoy the feeling of waking up at noon on a Saturday once more. Gotta help with the horses. I hope I do well with Bear tomorrow considering I only rode him once this week and absolutely NONE last week. I rode him this Thursday and he was good, but was feeling a little light in the rear end (if you get what I am saying). I just hope he has both of his shoes on tomorrow. Monday we had a game and LOST SO BAD because two of our best players were gone. I couldn't motivate anyone like Frieda could, so we just worked with what we had. I found out that I was voted the Most Intellectual (girl) and that was all fine and dandy, but I wanted to put my face in my hands and run away crying (from laughter and embarassment all at the same time) once I found out who the guy was. Cole Calvert. Holy $H!T. He is a complete clown and dumbass. The votes were obviously "changed" a bit, so I am hoping it was for a joke. It is a good joke, I will admit, but then that makes me part of it. Senior superlatives are so lame anyway. On Tuesday, we had another game and did a little better since one of the missing players returned (JUDI!). Once the game was over, I asked mom for the time because I needed to get to WSY practice at 6:30, and she said ten til 7. Well, I took off as fast as I could to get ready only to find (in mid-dress) that it was only 6. Confusing - Mom's watch had somehow jumped an hour ahead. So I foolishly played badminton until practice started. Notice I said "foolishly"... I about DIED that practice. I kept thinking "I am too old for this" every time I recalled playing volleyball, playing badminton, and then swimming all in one day. Wednesday, I got a not-so-good grade on my Western Civ test and we were supposed to have volleyball practice, but it somehow got cancelled. So I just swam and didn't die as bad. Thursday, we were pulled out of class for the senior superlative pictures and, of course, the picture was too blurry and ended up being the last picture on the memory card. We took a field trip out to a farm pond for testing of abiotic factors of the water (LOOONNGGG story... but hilarious), then had our Environmental Club meeting. We have to decorate the stadium for homecoming next week. I am sooo excited (NOT!). I rode, then went to my SAT class. WOW, that was the best class EVER and I SURE learned alot about analogies (*wink wink*). And by the way, NO ONE saw me at the fair - it was just someone who LOOKED like me! So bad but good times. Well, my birthday is actually this next Sunday and I have no clue what to do... maybe just nothing. That would be good. I am always good at doing nothing, and it makes me happy to feel lazy here and there. I have a horseshow tomorrow and I have to BE at the barn at 5:30, so I guess that is it about the week. Sleep is desperately needed.

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