Saturday, September 11, 2004

some saturday

Mad props first- I am proud of a freshman who kicked some ASS in the pool today in a match! Good job!
Today we closed the pool up... well did the beginning of it. There is so much more to do, but I don't know if Nathan wants me to help with that. I guess he will call me if he needs me. Friday's swim practice wasn't too hard except for the 400 IM kick. Tom KNOWS I can't kick for anything. I would go to practice on Monday, but I have a game then the SAT prep class. Woo - can't wait for that... NOT. Oooooooooooooo tomorrow is the BEAST FEAST aka the neighborhood picnic. Hell yes. Homemade cookin' (and KFC from the lazy bums with no time for cooking) from the entire neighborhood. I can't wait, because I will tear that thing UP! I always remember the lady that makes the homemade pecan pies (the minature kind) and they are oh so good. My mom made an awful comment today about how all the good cookers are dying off. Not a good thought - that means a loss of food! Okay, just kidding... I'm not that bad. Well the rest of my day consisted of badminton and food. Just a regular Saturday outside of the work. I am REALLY going to have to work tomorrow because I need to work on my college essay, do my APES research, work on my Western Civi terms, and then swim hopefully since I won't be able to on Monday. Well, that's about it... not too interesting of a day.

3 YEARS ... we will remember.

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