Saturday, June 11, 2005

why not a survey?

Name:Julia Heiss
Birthplace:Lexington... bleh
Current Location:STILL Lexington
Eye Color:Brown (bleh again)
Hair Color:Blonde
Right Handed or Left Handed:Leftie!
Your Heritage:German
The Shoes You Wore Today:Flip Flops
Your Weakness:Being too nice
Your Fears:NEEDLES (eek!!!), getting rejected
Your Perfect Pizza:lots of cheese, sausage, and black olives...mmmm
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:I've done about everything I've wanted to do
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:'lol' or 'hehe' probably
Thoughts First Waking Up:Who did it!?!
Your Best Physical Feature:Eyelashes
Your Bedtime:Huge range
Your Most Missed Memory:Going to Montana with Lexi
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:McDonalds
Single or Group Dates:Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate!!!
Cappuccino or Coffee:Cappuccino
Do you Smoke:Hell no
Do you Swear:Who doesn't?
Do you Sing:Only alone
Do you Shower Daily:Yes
Have you Been in Love:Yes
Do you want to go to College:Going and gone
Do you want to get Married:If the right one comes along, I suppose...
Do you belive in yourself:I can do it!!! Okay, maybe not.
Do you get Motion Sickness:Unfortunately, yes
Do you think you are Attractive:No
Are you a Health Freak:No
Do you get along with your Parents:Sometimes, not as often as I should
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Do you play an Instrument:Many
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:No
In the past month have you Smoked:No
In the past month have you been on Drugs:NO
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:Actually, yes
In the past month have you been on Stage:Graduation... hehe
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:No
Ever been called a Tease:Yes 0:)
Ever been Beaten up:Not to the point of embarrassment
Ever Shoplifted:Nope
How do you want to Die:In my sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:Veterinarian
What country would you most like to Visit:Spain
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Grrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeennn... ahhhh
Favourite Hair Color:I tend to like the darker haired ones
Short or Long Hair:Longer hair is pretty cute nowadays
Height:Taller than me! You MUST!!!
Weight:Gotta have some meat and muscle
Best Clothing Style:Relaxed and unique
Number of Drugs I have taken:Zero
Number of CDs I own:Umm... wow... 20+
Number of Piercings:Ears only
Number of Tattoos:Zero
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Too damn many


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