Friday, November 12, 2004

i don't wanna be told to grow up

After checking out the comments on my band audition adventure, I feel I shouldn't hesitate to post the more interesting stories of my life on here. You guys sure seem to get just as big of a kick out of my situations as I do. Rock on. I visited NC State's campus on Thursday when we were out for Veteran's Day to check out their Pre-Vet Program. They only accept 76 people into their school a YEAR. The guy of admissions was telling us everything we SHOULDN'T do when we applied. It was quite scary. Then we had lunch with Karl at a nearby restaurant. My parents were talking about how much I had matured, and it made me think. I really don't think I am as mature as I seem. I feel more like a 5 year old stuck in a 17 year old's body. Even though I handle most situations in an adult-like fashion, I am still a kid at heart. My attention span is one of a fly's and when it's time to work, all I want to do is play. Most people in my class think of me as the quiet girl with the infinite temper. Sadly, I restrain myself until I get home. My persona goes from sane to untamed in a matter of leaving the school campus. I do random things (can't start to EVEN name them all), still sleep with stuffed animals, and talk to my cats (my BABIES!). I still make little cartoons off to the side of notes in class and get those ridiculous pangs of fear when I walk down a dark hallway that make you walk up the stairs just a LITTLE faster than usual. I always read the comics in the paper, burst out into song at unexpected moments - even sometimes dance. And everytime I fall for a guy, it still feels like a first crush. I secretly daydream about how perfect things could be... how things could last forever and become a romantic experience that neither one of us ever forget and never let go of. Then there are those times when you KNOW what you are doing is wrong, but you still do it just because it's what is the most fun and, most of the time, not what is best. I tend to remember the little things that seem insignificant to most, but always has some importance to me. I can remember occurances so vividly that no one else can recall, even if it happened 5+ years ago. And yet I can't remember a historical figure or site if my life depended on it. I still crank up the music in my car and sing loudly to it, not caring how I sound or look. I put my hair in pigtails occasionally, dress up in funny clothes just to see how I look in the mirror, and imitate my parents by wearing an article of their wardrobe whenever I feel it is necessary. Macaroni and cheese is still one of my favorite foods of all time.
So, did that convince you that maybe I am not a 17 year old girl that is just waiting to grow up?

"Childhood is short and maturity is forever." - Calvin and Hobbes

By the way, I am getting a BANANAPHONE! w00t.