Saturday, November 06, 2004

a 'wow' weekend

This weekend was SO much fun! I went and did an overnight visit at Sewanee with one of the swimmers. Friday and Saturday there was a swim meet and that was fun to watch - and time. We (the other recruits and I) weren't expecting that, but they needed timers and Coach Obermiller volunteered us out name by name on the P.A. system. It was great except for timing the mile. Holy $h!t, if things couldn't be more boring than watching someone do 66 laps STRAIGHT - 5 times. Coach Obermiller is a short, middle-aged man who is RIDICULOUSLY giddy about everything, but I loved him anyway. Then we hit up the pub for some sandwiches after the meet on Friday, went to the market, went to another swimmer's room to watch a movie, left halfway through it to hit up a frat party to see how the band was (they were taking a break when we got there), went to my host's bf's room to see how he was putting up with his shoulder knots, then went back to the dorm and went to bed. The meet started at 10 this morning, so we had to be at the pool at 8. Ugh. Even thought the cafeteria wasn't REALLY open at 7:30, we still somehow got in and got some food. Once more, the recruits and I had to time. It was so much better to just do regular events instead of weird short ones or crazy long ones. For once, I didn't have to swim, but just watch and press buttons. All of the swimmers were begging us to stay another night to go to the Viking Party (have to break out the furs!), but only one was staying another night and her bf swam for the team anyway. I am glad to be home, but at the same time, I had this weird feeling of missing it already when we left. No wonder all the students call it 'home'. Well, if I don't do some crazy change of choices within the next few weeks, I believe Sewanee is the place.