Sunday, October 03, 2004


Yay, I am finally 17. Yesterday was pretty good. I slept until about 11 and then went to Alan's tennis match. Of course, Alan got beat because it was the Barbecue Festival Open Tennis Tournament which meant no age groups. So, he ended up playing 24 and 25 year old guys. What is up with that? But they did get a few games on them, so it is all good. Then we went outside and played badminton - in the rain. Good times. Then I took a shower and went to Cookout with Jason and went to his house to get some yummy cheesecake and then Walt decided to show up. So we hung out outside talking and just goofing off. Then Jason and Walt wanted to do something and I had to go home ... stupid curfew. What pissed me off even more is that the next morning, Mom said that I could have done something with them if I had just told her where I was going... but we didn't really know where we were going. Fun night, just wish I could have known that I was able to hang with them longer. Then I came home, goofed off on the computer for a bit, talked on the phone with Thomas, then went to bed. I also received a Happy Birthday email from Alexi, which really made me happy. I miss her so much. And Walt wanted to drive by her house and blare country music. That would have been great if she was there. *sniff* I actually got up 9 *GASP* this morning. Got my daily dosage of caffeine through a cup of tea and some doughnuts. Then I had to wake up Alan for a mini tennis tournament he had today (one with an ACTUAL age group), so I just cranked up my Yellowcard CD and opened the door up between my room and his room. I had it pretty damn loud, but he STILL didn't wake. So I turned it up even LOUDER. Well, he finally rolled over and looked at me and said something, but of course I didn't hear it. He tried to go back to sleep, but when I mentioned doughnuts being downstairs, he was out of the bed. So here I am now, sitting lazily on this computer while Alan does his tournament. Tonight, we will have my favorite meal and a delicious PIE (Adam Corolla, eat your heart out). Well, it's my birthday... and what can I do now that couldn't before?? As Thomas said, "not a damn thing". Oh well, it's all good. This has been an overall pretty good birthday.

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