Sunday, December 05, 2004

stressful sunday

Well, I finally got my applications sent in. I did all of my application to NC State yesterday, but decided to wait until today to look over it and send it in. The Sewanee application was a little harder to do because I had to wrestle with the stubborness of this stupid machine that locks up whenever I seem to be doing something important. So after 2 major lock-ups, computer kicking, and miraculous information saving of Sewanee's site, I got it sent it as well. I stayed up until about 1:30 reading, then slept until 1:15. Supposedly, there was a loud verbal brawl going on between my brother and mom over a math assignment during my slumber, so that made my parent's suspicious of me being dead. My dad came up and, ironically, woke me up by creaking my door when he looked in to see if I was breathing. Yeah... I was still pissed. I hate when I am woken up. It's a good thing those applications are done, because I have a poetry (ugh) project due Friday, a presentation due in APES on Wednesday, and my Frankenstein project due next Friday... or is it Thursday? Oops. Whatever, I am just ready for this school semester to be over and done with. I need time to sleep and relax, even though Nathan will be ready to run and swim like he has been telling me online. Yeah... so much for the relaxation. Maybe I will get to rest on Christmas day.

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