Wednesday, December 22, 2004

too tired

I got a taste of total exhaustion today - before I even started swimming. I went to bed around 1 after another long convo with Thomas on the phone (dude, this is the SECOND night in a row!) and woke up around 12:30. At practice, I felt so bogged down and tired, like I couldn't go any faster. The pace I was moving at was considerably slow, to the point where many people beat me out in breaststroke. I wanted to throw myself to the edge of the pool and cry. It always has to be close to a really big meet where I totally wear myself out. I am so scared that I won't have ANYTHING by the time the meet comes around. My coach noticed and said that the two days before the meet, we were going to take it really easy, which meant for me to exclude all of my other swimming sessions. I also have to go to bed at a more reasonable hour to ensure a good amount of sleep. I just hope I have every bit of potential (and kinetic hehehe) energy for this meet. I need it so bad! *sigh* It scares me so bad to see myself like this. *frowns*