Wednesday, August 25, 2004

am i dreaming?

Wow. Today was the best day I have had in a good week and a half. I got to hear a voice I had missed for what seemed like forever. It was good to know that things were going good and that made me even happier. My feet feel like they're floating and I get these spontaneous jitters that run through my entire body just thinking about the fact that I'm not alone. To know that you feel the same as I do is a three fold utopian dream. Today was absolutely perfect. In math class, everyone was stumped on this problem and I volunteered to do it and got it RIGHT! Tyler was like "Is that really right?" and then got all mad when the teacher said it was. HA! Then in English I got my work back and got four 95's and one 100. That's awesome! Then I found I had an A in AP Environmental Science! Yes, the class that was supposedly going to kick my ass. Then I went out and rode and Bear and we NAILED our course... absolutely flawless. Then I swam and did well in that, just in time to return home for supper. Then I played my horn and aced this one difficult part and watched the Men's Volleyball semi's. The US barely won against Greece - great game! Now I am on here exploding with jubilance just over a phone call that transformed into a magnificent following day. That definitely took all the greatness out of the upcoming Friday, but hey, today was worth it. Days like these DEFINITELY need to come more often. ;)

1 comment:

Reivn said...

"To know that you feel the same as I do is a three fold utopian dream." --That's a really unique line. :) It's cool when things couldn't go better in a day, esp when others go so badly sometimes. I found your blog with the "next blog" button on mine, btw. Stay cool ;)