Monday, August 30, 2004

best excuse: it's a monday

I'm so excited because I get to visit Davidson's campus this Friday and hopefully get to meet up with the swim coach! They confirmed my visit and I can't wait to see this campus. Today was just a Monday, which is never good. I started out the morning being pissed off and wanting to knock someone's lights out, but the day progressively improved. The math teacher fell asleep in class, Gwennie hopped from board to board to write notes, and we did what seemed like nothing in APES. Then I got a few laughs at volleyball when Shida hit her head with the ball. And then swimming when Nathan, Anna, and I were doing butterfly and there was a noodle in Nathan's lane and he flopped right on top of it! It was hilarious! Then the set of 12 x 100's was good to get out the anger. Then I grabbed something for dinner while finishing up the grueling poetry project. I finally have it done, so I guess I will complete it by stapling to pages. There's not too much to say right now, so until tomorrow...

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