Thursday, August 19, 2004

beautiful disaster

After swimming today, I didn't feel the least bit guilty about polishing off that Ben and Jerry's. I am exhausted but happy that I had the endurance to do a 18 second 25 at Brookside as the last sprint from a full breaststroke workout. I don't know about the college deal, but I am most likely going to give the scholarship a shot. What do I have to lose? I can always go back to my old plans, anyway. I still can't believe I have to work until 2 in the morning tomorrow... I am going to DIE at that volleyball tournament, especially when my coach said we had to be at the school where the tournament is held before 8. Come to find out that the baby bird didn't starve to death, it FROZE. That classroom is incredibly cold and our principal doesn't believe us... HOW ABOUT THAT?!? A bird FROZE to death in the room (and most likely starved, too). Our school is SO retarded. We were working on our PowerPoint Presentations on biomes and I had about 3 good slides done, and the computer LOCKS up (this is in the school computer lab) right as the bell rings for school to let out and I have to restart it... and when I do, it erased it. Just what I needed. Mr. Faydizzle wasn't here again today and we are supposed to have a test tomorrow - not likely. I miss my friends because I haven't gotten to spend much time with them lately(the ones that actually LIVE here). I wish I could on Saturday, but I will be absolutely SPENT after that volleyball tournament. Maybe Sunday. Only one more day of school...

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