Tuesday, August 03, 2004

el dia primero de la escuela

Today sucked except for getting to leave school and screw around for a good hour and 15 minutes! Luckily DCCC doesn't start til the 19th so I get to sleep in until then! It stinks without Hannah at school but I am coping. I got so many "OH my god, what happened to your hand?"s today I wanted to just stick the explanation to my shirt. And no, it doesn't hurt that bad - it actually looks worse than it hurts. Warped Tour was awesome yesterday... I got a bunch of autographs on my cuff! I had no idea where to put it so I thought what the hell, why not the cuff? I can't believe I don't have to work until Friday, but that was a day I was hoping I would be off. I miss summer already and spending time with everyone that was a part of it. My math teacher answered our first question (which was concerning the schedule) with "I don't know... you tell me." Damn... that's a great first impression. Then I had to put up with Gwennie for 3rd period and the minute she said that we were focusing on British Lit, I had one name in mind... NNNAATTTHHAAANNN. I believe I can get some help from him in that category. Also, the Gwennelle will be having surgery tomorrow on her tender left foot due to the STRENUOUS positions of modelling, so that knocks her out for a minimum of 10 days. Then I went into Environmental Science (ahh devil class!) and found that our quiz was moved to Thursday, which gives me more time to look over the vocab. I just hope APES doesn't kick my ass around all over the place like Biology did. The class is also more challenging due to the fact that the AP Exam is STILL in May and we have to keep studying throughout the second semester. If senioritis kicks in, I'm screwed. I can't believe I have homework and will have to do it. School really sucks and I can't wait til the weekend.

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