Friday, August 20, 2004

expectations for a future sleep-deprived teen

Well, tonight's the night I endure the mob of Central folk. GIT R' DUN! I will have to be hyped up on some Mountain Dew or something to keep me going for the night AND morning. Then I have to be at the school at 7 to meet up for the tournament. Wow... and to think I could barely keep my eyes open for Western Civ this morning. I was pretty much awake after class was dismissed and I met up with Drew and saw his MOMMY (oh, she LOVES ME!) and then to his house to get the entire booklet on Davidson. Drew drives like a MANIAC - he was going 70-75 mph on a road marked 45 mph! And then he tried to take "alternative" routes into roads/driveways. Yeah, I fell for the gravel road, but not the going-through-the-neighbor's-yard-to-get-to-your-driveway route. I don't drive a SUV, and I DON'T want the Camry going through that. Then in math class Faydizzle was not here for the THIRD day (geez, what is up with this guy?) and Ms. Salmons came at the last half of class and TAUGHT. Thank goodness... we really need to keep on schedule. I am about to leave for the torturous hours of work so I guess I will wrap this up. Tomorrow I am taking a LONG nap and hopefully I can ride on Friday. Well, I'm off... time to see how well I can handle this.

I wish you were here...

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