Tuesday, August 17, 2004

brain stew

The day started off with me (as usual) NOT wanting to leave the bed. I was so tired from volleyball practice then swimming right after one another yesterday. And, of COURSE, I called Nathan today to see if we were going to swim like he had SAID and he just said he wasn't going to because he "didn't feel motivated". I really wanted to swim today but they also decided to drain the Y's pool and do some work on it until next week. Phooey. I want to ask my math teacher if he likes thetar tots since he says "thetar" instead of "theta". Honestly, WHO says that? Thankfully, I got pulled out of class the last 10 minutes because my guidance counselor wanted me to look at some swimming scholarships. I think she's wasting her time because one was for Davidson College and the other was the academic Morehead Scholarship which is for Carolina. UGH! I don't want to go there! State is where I want to go and there's no way in hell I'm getting a scholarship from them in ANYTHING. Then in English we just read (or was supposed to read) the entire class. It is so boring when we have to do the SAME rubric for each story/essay because its just the SAME information over and over again. We started APES class by feeding the baby blue jay that had fallen out of its nest the previous day. Yesterday, it refused to take any food and was trembling with fear. Today, that sucker was chirping every 15 minutes for food and was jumping all over the place. I have never seen something that little consume so much food! Volleyball practice was okay, but we ended up just scrimaging the last half hour. Every time they would set me up for a spike I would SCREW it up because for some reason I am trying to use my right hand. I'm LEFT handed! I need to get my timing right or I will look a mess (like last year *shudder*). I know I'm tall enough and I can hit them hard... I just need to work on it. Swimming yesterday made me realize how much I miss the past few weeks and just the summer in general. Well, with school comes homework so I guess I will be getting to that...

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