Friday, August 27, 2004

it's friday

Today started out with my alarm clock NOT going off as usual, but at least my parents woke me up. I got up the courage to wear -- yes -- a SKIRT today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...I just got cold in APES (the class the bird FROZE to death in). Western Civ was okay today but the day I took a brief moment to stop and look at my textbook in the passenger seat of my car and thought "We have never used it in class... why not leave it in the car today?", he asked us to get it out. Never fails. Then the best part was AFTER Western Civ when Drew burnt his finger on the cigarette lighter! He didn't think it worked but when he pulled it out after pressing it impatiently a few times, I picked up a slight burning smell. I knew it was working after smelling it but apparently he didn't. He touched it and got a nice shriek out before sucking on his finger. Ignorance, in that case, is NOT bliss. I'll bet he's got a nice blister on his finger right now. *Evil laugh* The rest of the day was pretty sane, but then this afternoon was quite frustrating. I went to a "meeting" right afterschool to see that only a few people showed up... we are going to be SO disorganized. Then, I rushed out of the house to ride my Bobo for the show tomorrow and I called Nathan to see when I was working this weekend and he invited me to swim at 5:30. So, I go down and ride and then find that I am running late because my instructor is taking her sweet time even though I told her I needed to be off the horse by 5:15. Pisses me off a wee-bit. So I am already scrambling out of the barn to the car and find 2 missed calls on my phone. So I call it back (Nathan's cell) while I'm making my way there and he tells me that we AREN'T going to swim today because Katie showed up 4 hours late (pisses HIM off a wee-bit) to paint the pump house. So he promises that we'll swim tomorrow, after the horse show, at the Y. As for me, I just moseyed on over to the Y anyway for a good swim this evening. My left shoulder has been bothering me lately and it's been extremely tight. I don't know what it is from, but I'm afraid from swimming. I wish I could find a way to make it loosen up. I was entertained today when stumbling upon a livejournal entry that talked about going up, doing karaoke, and not being the least bit embarassed. I would have LOVED to see that. *High five* Well, my riding instructor needs my help tomorrow morning, so that means an early rising of about 4:45. I haven't really gotten to sleep in the past few Saturdays it seems, but one week I will (you just wait!). This weekend won't be so laid back, especially since I need to complete my poetry project. Hopefully I can see some friends this weekend... but from the way Mom's pushing me on that project, things don't look definite. I guess I will have to turn in a little early if I want to have any energy tomorrow so I guess that's it for the night.


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